HERC member institutions have partnered with LifeMart to provide offers and discounts on everything needed during the job search, from apparel and office supplies to computers and travel. Because your institution is part of HERC, you have access to LifeMart for FREE!
Save time and money when making everyday and major purchases, including:
- Wellness (fitness clubs, diet plans, spas, sports gear, personal care, beauty & skin care, etc.)
- Family Care (child care, senior care, pet care, education/tutoring, etc.)
- Parent Deals
- Travel (flights, cruises, hotels, car rentals, vacations, etc.)
- Electronics (computers, cellphones, electronics, etc.)
- Restaurants and Dining
- Tickets (theme parks, concerts, movies, sports, etc.)
- Apparel (men’s, women’s, kids, jewelry & accessories, etc.)
- Flowers & Gifts (flowers, gifts, toys, etc.)
- Home & Auto (furniture & appliances, home décor, home services, automotive, etc.)
- Financial (credit & legal, home mortgages, etc.)
- Groceries
- and more!
New Members Please Enter Registration Code: HERC